
Why Choose Mind Relaxation Therapy to help you change the way you think, feel and behave?

Life can throw unexpected obstacles when we least expect them, sometimes we face them head on, but there are times when they overwhelm us. You are not alone we often have opaque views, some of us suffer for long periods and we do not know why? Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (Hypno-CBT) is a therapy that changes our deepest negative belief, helps us to accept adversity and the things we cannot change. We all experience some anxiety and fear and in the right circumstances these emotions can be helpful in alerting us to danger. But unfortunately our cognition exaggerates negative thoughts and subsequently the acceptable amount of anxiety we can cope with, this culminates in General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) primarily caused by Negative Automatic Thoughts (NAT). 

As you read the words Negative Automatic Thoughts I wonder if you immediately understand the meaning? Is this something that you have experienced or are experiencing? The more you think the more these thoughts bombard you, leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed. We can be taught how to control them by relaxing our minds, but first we need to relax our muscles.

With the onset of stress our muscles tense, once the stress has passed in theory we should return to a relaxed state. Today our worries often overwhelm us and chronic stress causes our muscles to remain taut and tense for long periods of time. Hypnotherapy can teach us to overcome tension in our muscles. We can learn to control our thoughts, clear our minds, and importantly face our problems and our fears rationally.

We may not see the connection, but treating anxiety can unmask related symptoms, for example tension headaches and migraine are often attributed to chronic muscle tension in the neck and shoulders. Here are examples of symptoms that are manifested from anxiety which we can work on together:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Intense feelings of anxiety and stress may cause the individual to suffer irregular bowel habits, these symptoms can worsen with persistent anxiety. There is evidence to support that our emotional state can exacerbate problems in the gut. Other symptoms for IBS include cramping, nausea, indigestion, feeling full, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, diarrhoea, constipation. Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy can help alleviate symptoms considerably: 

INSOMNIA: Complex reasons can cause this common symptom, simple changes can help alleviate it. Clinical Hypnotherapy has become a well established mode of treatment, and literature on it’s efficacy for sleep disorders is growing. It is particularly effective for night terrors and pharmacologic interventions. It is more powerful when combined with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) dysfunctional beliefs and behaviours are identified and replaced with positive affirmations alongside hypnotic relaxation therapy.

PANIC ATTACK: Tingling, shortness of breath, racing thoughts, dizziness are symptoms caused through panic. These attacks can be problematic and frightening, chronic pain can be mistaken for a heart attack, and dizziness can make you spin out of control. The stress hormones flood our brain but we can be taught to control the feelings with breathing and visualisation alongside cognitive and mindfulness techniques.

St. Ignatius of Loyola: "To conquer himself is the greatest victory that man can gain."

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